Microlearning Project
Screenshot from https://venngage.com/gallery/ from July 4, 2019
Microlearning reflection with Venngage
A recent microlearning experience I had was learning how to use Venngage. Vennage is a free infographics creator I used to create the comparison of learning theories for this course.
The way I learned how to use this tool was by trial and error: I started to create an infographic by drawing from previous experiences with such as task, and learned how to use the features as I went. All in all, I estimate that I spend about 6 hours on the task. My learning experiences varied in length. Each learning experience lasted from 5 minutes to about 2 hours. My biggest "aha" moment was propbably when I discovered how to tweek existing templates.
My overall learning experience was heavily supported by Andragogy and incorporated several adult learning principles such as my intrinsic motivation for professional betterment, a problem-orientated approach and a focus on the immediate value of my newly acquired skills. Let me tell you how:
Instead of using other, familiar tools with similar purposes, I wanted to learn a new digital tool which would allow me to expand my digital know-how. My motivation was internal, as looked forward to learning a fun, new way of doing things.
I was motivated to try out Vennage to create a comparison chart, which was problematic to do with the tools I knew. By learning how to use Vennage, I hoped to solve this problem.
I also wanted to profit from my new skills immedaitely, aiming to include the finished result - a comparion table - in my course portfolio.
If you are curious to see the result of my learning experience with Venngage, I invite you to check out my comparison chart here and my infographic on Andragogy here.